Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Brave Enough to Listen to the Signs?

As you all know by now,  I've been on a search for a job for a few months. I've had a few nibbles and have sent out dozens of resumes and cover letters, and am still continuing on the search for my nest new professional path.

With this new job search, I've also had to put aside my attempts at gaining employment as an artist. Don't get me wrong, if I found a great job for an artsy gal such as myself, I'd jump for it, but those jobs don't pop up too often. However, I've had to admit that I'm a horrible self promoter and seller. I'd much rather make art than coordinate showings, fairs, and pay attention my ETSY shop (oh shoot! I need to update that! - see?). If I had more money, I'd hire someone to do all of that for me! :)

Amidst all these changes, realizations, and admissions going on in my busy brain, I feel like the Universe is chiming in on my internal dialogue. I hadn't shown my art, or sold much of it, in years, but some friends of mine - the lovely owners of Salon Sparrow in Linden Hills - recently asked me to hang my art up to liven up the place, and they let me participate in an awesome open house where I could sell my prints, cards, and softies. Not only did I sell a painting, I sold several prints, cards, and a softie! Another sign from the Universe seems to have come from the mouth of fellow artist Rachel Vogel. In discussing all of this with her, I mentioned how I've been wanting to become a children's book illustrator and there wasn't even a second of pause before she said I absolutely need to do that. She not the only tone to tell me this, I've had several friends and acquaintances say the same thing on the last year.

So today I took the leap! I joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. I don't know where this will lead, but I'm excited about the possibilities. I will keep you posted if anything comes of it. But just taking a step forward feels like a bit accomplishment to me.

Wish me luck!

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